About Treadwell Lodge No.213
The Beginning
A dispensation was granted to Masons residing in Berryville, in the County of Clarke, Virginia for Treadwell Lodge, U. D. on January 23, 1866. On December 12, 1866, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Virginia granted a charter for Treadwell Lodge No. 213. It was the last Lodge to be chartered in Clarke County. Treadwell Lodge minutes begin in 1883, but the years 1919 through 1925 are missing, a period of six valuable years.
Masonry in Clarke County
There have been five Lodges chartered in Clarke County. Treadwell Lodge is the only survivor. Treadwell Lodge No. 213 was named for Treadwell Smith. Smith was a veteran of the War of 1812, and a very prominent and respected citizen of Berryville. He was born in New Jersey, but in his early youth came to Berryville, where he lived for the rest of his life. Treadwell Smith died at the age of eighty-four on January 19, 1873, and is buried in the Episcopal Churchyard at Berryville. Being such a prominent and substantial member of the community, it is very likely that he assisted in the Lodge in both a pecuniary, and in providing a place for the Brethren to meet. The records are silent as to his being a Mason, but how can we think otherwise, knowing the help he gave to the founders of this Lodge?
As any Lodge, which has been in existence for more than one hundred years, this Lodge has had special events and mementos, which give Treadwell Lodge its distinctive character. About fifty years ago, the Lodge had a major role in the dedication of a monument to Past Grand Master Edmund Randolph. For many years his tombstone was unattended, and forgotten. Finally, after much work and searching, it was located and encased in glass in a granite monument. The Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers, along with the officers and members of Treadwell Lodge dedicated this monument to Past Grand Master, and Past governor of the State of Virginia, Edmund Randolph, in the old Chapel Cemetery This Lodge sent a copy of its history to be placed in the Virginia Bicentennial Time Capsule of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in February 1979. This Lodge laid the cornerstone for the Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, Berryville, and the John H. Enders Fire station in Berryville. Right Worshipful Brother Rice W. Levi, the only seventy-year member, died July 27, 1985. He was a member for seventy-one years seven months and eleven days. He was recognized by, and received an award from Most Worshipful William M. Johnson, Grand Master of Masons in Virginia on December 1, 1983.