December 2018
I hope everyone had a joyful Thanksgiving, and had time to reflect on all the things we are blessed with on a daily basis.
December is a busy month. We will be holding elections at the Stated, making Christmas Baskets, Second Saturday Breakfast, and Charter night dinner. Please check your calendar. Charter Dinner and Installation of Officers on Dec. 8, are open to everyone, so bring your loved ones and friends. Bro. Gary is sure to make a delicious meal! If you know anyone who would benefit from a Christmas Basket, please contact Wor. Doug Wann, our Treasurer and Basket Coordinator.
2018 is drawing to a close, and I would like to thank everyone for their support this year. As a Lodge we accomplished a lot. Being Master of the Lodge has been a great experience and I will always remember it. I am now qualified to be a Grumpy Past Master.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,
R.W. Mark Williams, Master. (Prospective Past)
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About The Author
Became a mason in 2005, Master of Treadwell Lodge in 2011, 2017,2018. District Deputy Grand Master in 2016. Have been a member in Royal Arch, Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Scottish Rite and Widows Sons RA.