Masters Message September ‘18
Once again it is September and another summer has passed. Treadwell has had a good summer, Hawaiian Night, Strawberry Night, The corn roast, fraternal visits abound, including one to Middland Lodge PHI in Catlett VA.
As a last hurrah to summer we will be having our Lodge Of High Hill at Histroic Long Branch on Sept 6th. Come out to this unique out door lodge, and bring a brother.
I would like to thank Wor. Doug Wann , Bro Cameron Gore, Wor. Jon Stillman and RW. Ted Welter. We took 285lb of cans to be recycled. Afterword we went to breakfast at Unity Lodge no.146.
I look fwd to seeing you at lodge,
Mark Williams, WM.
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December 2018
About The Author
Became a mason in 2005, Master of Treadwell Lodge in 2011, 2017,2018. District Deputy Grand Master in 2016. Have been a member in Royal Arch, Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Scottish Rite and Widows Sons RA.